Work With Me

Susan Anstice Psychotherapist Toronto

I provide video, phone and in-person therapy for individuals across Ontario who are looking for help with grief, caregiver stress, workplace stress, anxiety and so much more.

Grief & Bereavement

While grief and loss are universal experiences, finding support can be challenging in a culture where grief literacy is low. Grief and loss therapy provides a safe, supportive and compassionate space to share understand your grief experience. Learn what to expect in the grief journey, how to navigate social situations that trigger grief, and develop strategies for regret, anger, sadness. I am pleased to provide support for MAiD journeys and bereavement after MAiD.



Feeling anxious is a normal, protective response to threats. When anxiety interferes with our everyday functioning, therapy can be helpful to ‘turn down the volume’. Learn to understand triggers, how thoughts, emotions, and sensations work together with behaviour to fuel anxiety. Learn coping strategies help you feel grounded when anxiety shows up.


Caregiving and Dementia Care

Caregiver stress and burnout are physical, mental and emotional experiences. Caregiving can be joyful, rewarding, exhausting, anxious and super stressful. Find support to understand what triggers stress and burnout, build coping strategies, problem-solve care issues and focus on your own wellbeing.


Workplace Stress and Burnout

Workplace stress can bring anxiety, self doubt, exhaustion and compassion fatigue. Often we try to ‘fix’ things by working harder, longer or “smarter”. We feel burned out when nothing changes. Therapy can help you gain perspective on the structural contributors to your situation, explore your desired outcome, develop helpful communication strategies and set boundaries.


Life Transitions

Life transitions bring losses and opportunities. Job loss, relationship loss, health changes, retirement, and end of life may bring stresses along with opportunities to define and pursue what is most important to you. Therapy can help you work through transitions, and identify the values you want to live by as you embrace opportunities in your next chapter.

Start where you are!

Video and phone sessions for individuals across Ontario